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''It gave me a good feeling being able to do something for a stranger, and also hopeful knowing more people do this.''

Aron Verhaar


Organ Donation is an important but difficult subject to talk about. Because of that its understandable that people don't always know what kind of impact donating or recieving an organ ( tissue, blood, or stem cell ) does to a person.


Thats why this page on this website was created. A place to share and read stories about organ donation and the thoughts and feelings people get because of that experience. 


Hopefully people will think and talk more about organ donation and becoming a donor after reading all these stories. 


''He had reached the end and was on the lung transplant list, until the call came almost 6 years ago.''

Francesco Pelz

''I experienced for the first time what it is to breathe normally, thanks to him.''

Maria Loss

''Donating an organ is like still living in the body of another, and allowing another to overcome his death. It's like giving birth to a new life, it has the creative act within it.''


''I want to be a donor, but the thought of death still scares me too much.''

Aron Verhaar

''It gave me a good feeling being able to do something for a stranger, and also hopeful knowing more people do this.''


''The idea of organ donation is very scary. I also thought this way because I was afraid of getting sick myself, but my father made me realize the importance of it.''


''I am not a donor myself, but a recipient. I have been transplanted twice''


''I believe that the choice to be a donor should remain a free choice for people, but people should be aware of how much it can help someone else.''


''My illness has shown me that life can suddenly be over quickly.''


''I still find it impressive that the greatest gift of your life is given to you selflessly by a stranger.''


''It all felt unreal until i ended up in rehabilitation and was able to do all the exercises at my own pace again.''


''Receiving the kidney gave me mixed feelings. I was happy getting a new chance at life, but also sad because someone had died.''


''I am a donor because i wish the person who needs it a better existence and a new life. My brother donated organs/tissue and i received lungs myself, so i know what it means.''

Marjo Bruntink

''This makes me feel extremely grateful, for as long as i live, that she gave me my life back''

Alian Spelde

''I've been a donor for my son. He was born with poor kidney function.''


''If your body is suitable, anyone could sign up as a donor. You can save lives with it.''


''I have chosen not to donate certain things because it doesn't feel right for me personally.''


''I had a double lung transplant, which made me feel very emotional. I was saved because a young man was a donor.''

Angela Scholten

''He was probably able to save 6 people with his organs. We know that 4 have received the organs. Despite his young age, he had indicated that if something happened to him, he wanted to be a donor.''


''I personally find it impressive and special that our nephew clearly expressed his choice at a young age to donate organs after his death, not knowing that that was something he would be doing shortly afterwards.''


Have you or do you know someone who has experienced organ donation up close? Or would you like to share something with people who are still having difficulty making their choice to become a donor?
Feel free to share your story below!

Note: I will read all the messages. If I think it is appropriate to be posted it will appear on the website under 'stories'. If you want to stay anonymous you don't have to fill in your name. 

Thank you for sharing your story!

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